I have come across people in my life who have immediately caught my attention. Not because they were front and center or large and in charge… but because they were in the background, doing what was needed… and doing it with a attitude that made me pay attention.
And whenever I pressed further, I consistently found that these people were not only grounded in a faith in Jesus… but a faith that was at the forefront of everything they did.
One of my personal objectives is to let God become so centered in my life… that when people look at me they see something intangible… something they don’t understand… something that makes them ask “what is it about you?”
I know it can be done, because I see it in these people.
They live a quiet life. They pretty much stay to themselves as they go about their day and make their living. These people have “won the respect of those who are not believers” by living their lives this way.
I wish I was further along the path of achieving my objective than I am, but I am getting closer.
Jesus’ entire life was to be a template for us of how we should live ours. Not necessarily in the spotlight……but with the great humility, respect, and care for those who will cross our path.
We must lead as Jesus leads.
We must become beacons whose quiet and yet brilliant light shine bright in this dark world… and then lead others to the source of the light.
This is our only mission on this earth.
My first step toward a quiet life… don’t talk so much. #shutup
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